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Canker Sore From Braces: Prevention And Treatment

Canker Sore from braces

Canker sore from braces is a common problem. Canker sores are small ulcers formed inside the inner parts of your mouth. They can make you suffer from tingling and burning sensations. These sores are round and appear in white, grey, or red color. There are other causes also of sores apart from braces. Canker sores can cause minor pain and might go away on their own after some time. But they can lead to severe infections and health issues also. In this post, we’ll explain various canker sore causes and their preventive treatment.

Why Do You Get Canker Sore From Braces?

Canker sore emerges due to various reasons like eating spicy or acidic food. But patients who are undergoing braces treatment mostly report the issue of a canker sore. It happens due to irritated tissues in your mouth because of braces. Sometimes, the mouth resists the change due to braces. They may go away after some time once your mouth gets habitual to braces. However, you should not underestimate the repercussions of long-term canker sores in your mouth. Thus you should consult a dentist if the problem persist.

How To Prevent Canker Sores From Braces?

Here are 5 effective steps for relief from mouth sores from braces:

  1. Apply Silicon Covers:

    If you are on braces, you might be knowing about orthodontics wax. The silicon covers works in the same fashion. They protect your lips, mouth, and cheeks from coming in contact with braces brackets. Please make sure the braces are completely dry when you put on a silicon cover on them. You can get silicon covers from any medical shop near you.

  2. Rinse With Salt Water:

    A rinse with warm salt water soothes your pain and inflammation. Salt is a disinfectant, so it can also prevent the infection from spreading in your mouth. Mix some salt in a glass of warm water. Rinse at least 2-3 times a day or as much as you need to get relief from discomfort.

  3. Use Orthodontic Wax:

    Orthodontic wax also helps in preventing mouth ulcers. When you place the orthodontic wax on your braces, it will soften the surface. It protects the contact of the bracket’s sharp corner and wires with your mouth. This wax is waterproof and doesn’t slip easily. Therefore it gives you relief for a longer time. Rub a small amount of wax in your fingertips for few seconds to warm it before applying.

  4. Eat Simple Foods:

    The irritation of your mouth tissues will further aggravate with spicy and acidic food. As mentioned earlier, these kinds of foods encourage mouth ulcers. So eat simple food while you are starting with your braces treatment. Eat soft and mushy foods that are not much spicy and hard in texture. Mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, and shakes are suitable options to eat while on braces. Also, avoid hard food with braces to prevent the breaking of brackets and wires.

  5. Keep Your Mouth Hydrated:

    A dry mouth increases the irritation and discomfort due to canker sore. Drink plenty of water so that your mouth can produce enough saliva. The antibodies in saliva prevent the spread of ulcers. A moist mouth also minimizes the pain of damaged inner cheeks due to braces.

How To Get Rid Of Canker Sores From Braces?

Here are some additional tips to get rid of canker sores caused by braces:

  • Take over-the-counter pain medication:
     If the canker sores are causing significant discomfort, consider using mild pain relievers like Tylenol or Ibuprofen to help manage the pain.
  • Apply tea bags:
     Tea bags have natural antiseptic properties and can aid in reducing inflammation. Soak a tea bag in warm water and gently apply it to the affected area of your mouth.
  • Be patient:
     Dealing with canker sores can be frustrating, but remember that they typically heal on their own within a week or two. As your mouth adjusts to the braces, the likelihood of developing more sores decreases. Practice good oral hygiene to promote faster healing.
  • Visit your orthodontist:
     If the canker sores persist, worsen, or become infected, it’s advisable to schedule an appointment with your orthodontist. They can provide guidance, evaluate the situation, and offer additional treatment options if needed.

How Long Do Mouth Sores From Braces Last?

Mouth ulcers caused by braces usually heal on their own within a span of 10-14 days.


These are preventive treatments, not permanent solutions. After following all the above steps, if your complications are still increasing, get in touch with your dentist. Contact Thurman Orthodontics for consultation regarding the early side effects of braces treatment. Our team of expert orthodontist provides the best treatment with minimum pain.

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