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Planning on Removing Braces at Home? Know These Risks

Planning on Removing Braces at Home Know These Risks

Braces aren’t the most desirable accessories. If you wear braces, you’ll know it all too well. Braces may give you these reasons to be annoyed or irritated, and compel you to remove braces at home: Eating anything hard and chewy is a nightmare. You’re paranoid that you’ll stain them. You always have the feeling that … Continued

Dos and Don’ts of Cleaning your Invisalign

A woman gently wearing her Invisalign aligners, seeking relief from discomfort and pain

Form a hygiene standpoint; Invisalign are easier to keep your teeth clean, as opposed to regular braces. And certainly from a convenience viewpoint, they can be removed at the patient’s will. But it’s also important to understand that they cannot be kept off for too long. There are things you need to know about Invisalign … Continued

How an Invisalign Treatment Can Re-Align your Teeth

How an Invisalign Treatment Can Re-Align your Teeth

If you’re not a fan of traditional braces, you may qualify for clear aligners. These clear aligners are also known as Invisalign and they have many advantages over traditional metal braces. Here’s a look at the problems associated with crooked and gapped teeth and how you can treat them with clear aligners. Problems with crooked … Continued

Braces for Crooked Teeth

braces for crooked teeth

Braces are often thought of as an orthodontic treatment which causes great discomfort. For children, braces mean no candies, extra cleaning time and metal in the mouth. But did you know that braces address dental issues such as malocclusion or bad bites which can affect oral as well as overall health, besides offering several benefits? … Continued

Crooked Teeth in Kids? Here’s What You Can Do

Crooked Teeth in Kids Here’s What You Can Do

Braces for kids are very common these days. You would be surprised by the huge numbers of parents taking their kids to dentist because of crooked teeth. Approximately, three out of four children develop twisted, crowded or overlapping teeth. Apart from braces, there are other orthodontic treatments available and they are prescribed depending on the … Continued

We Surprised a Local Chef with FREE BRACES!

Dr thurman gives a surprise

As many of you know, each year, we host a “Spotted” contest where the community can pick up a Thurman Ortho magnet at our office and place it on their car. If one of our team members spots your magnet and posts a photo of your car on our Facebook page, all you have to … Continued

We’ve Partnered with Fresno Bully Rescue

team smile

Dr. Thurman and our Smile Squad are super excited to announce our partnership with the Fresno Bully Rescue! In honor of Dr. T’s pitbulls and all those furry critters needing our help, we’ll be donating all of our Thurman Ortho swag proceeds to the organization. In addition, we’ll be volunteering at the Fresno Bully Rescue … Continued

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